I remember my mother, Gladys, as the "Leave It To Beaver" mom. She took so much pride in making a good home for the family. Spotlessly clean home, great homemade meals, and dressed as if everyday was a special occasion. These are just a few of the traits I remember vividly. Mom was such a great cook. The three of us kids still continue to make many of her special meals.
Of course there were times I tried mom's patience. We had a tradition in our family that on our birthday mom would fix the meal of our choice. So when it came to my 7th birthday mom asked that all too famiar question, "what do you want for your birthday dinner?" I will never forget the tempestuous look she gave me when I said, "a turkey dinner!" In spite of my over zealous meal choice, mom fixed a most wonderful turkey dinner.
I really miss mom a lot, but so much of her rubbed off on to me, and for that I am forever grateful. Did mom and dad have their faults, of course they did, but I never saw them as a kid. They held us together and gave us a chance to make it in this world. It was not until I became a parent, and now a grandparent, that I realized parents aren't perfect, you just do the best you can, and mom - you did your best!
We were a modest family, but Mom & Dad did their best to make us comfortable. We had a great home, private schools, great meals, vacations, and my favorite, ice cream night at Savons. Christmas was filled with tradition, and family always came first.
I miss you mom, and I will love you forever!
Note: A special thank you to my sister Joyce who has taken on the enormous job of scanning in all of my parents photo slides, so that we can all enjoy a piece of our history. Joyce, these are so fantastic! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best!